
Additional Tags For MCPE Filoya SMP

Get yourself a Addtag

You can get a DemoTag or a Addtag right here

Let's Get you a AddTag

Make sure to fallow the steps carefully!

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Put your email or redeem code down there:

Don't you have a redeem code? Get one for free now!

Signing in/ up

To get an Addtag, you need to be signed into the site. to do that use the sign in panel down

Getting an Addtag

Then use the getting tag button to start getting an Addtag. The other way is to send the code "ATB" as a Email to the bot

Adding the Addtag to MCPE

To do that we made an AI on the SMP, so when you add the addtag in a roll of square brackets (eg. [Admin] ), in front of your username, the AI will detect that and it will automatically do the power of the addtag.


the bot is a AI which can detect emails. the official Email for the bot is; for further info send the "123" Email to the bot.

How to get a free redeem code without E-mail

There are different ways to do that and they're pretty simple. First way, you need to create a Email and then register. Second way, send your age instead of E-mail each time you needed to. Third way, get yourself your very own Create-Key and use it in the SMP; then use the redeem code that you got from the Creat-Key instead of E-Mail.

This website was built with Mobirise